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SWS Northern Israel

Son of Waves Studios

Infinite music and imaging studio.

"Take a moment of truth... . then copy and paste."

  Dylan Tauber moved to a kibbutz in northern Israel in 2005, where he is now Artist-in-Residence. Here he has recorded an additional 17 electronic music albums and added many web sites to the SWS Network. From 2005 - 2024 Dylan's music received many awards.

  The music of Dylan Tauber was featured in dozens of music publications and on many radio stations both in Israel, and internationally in over 40 countries. Dylan was featured with an interview on the national Israeli Radio station, Radio Kol Rega, on January 9, 2017, and in the Yediot Haemaek Israel Newspaper, November 10, 2017. Dylan Tauber's music video "He Loves Carmen Remix (Radio Edit)" was shown on Channel 98 TV in Israel in December, 2017. Dylan's music (14 albums) was featured on JerusalemOnline.com on 2/1/21, and his song "Angels 2.0" was played on Gal Gal Latz, Israel's largest national radio station, as well as many other radio stations in Israel.

  Dylan also built a Hebrew version of his main web site, DylanTauber.com/hebrew. Dylan had a loving golden retriever named Yuli for five and a half years. In February 2017, Dylan met his girlfriend, Carmen, from a nearby Kibbutz.

"Son of Waves" : A screenplay / short story by Dylan Tauber, was released on 3/30/18 for free download. There have been a total of over 19,745 downloads as of November, 2020. An audiobook was released for this "Son of Waves" screenplay on 4/17/18, also for free download.

In 2019, thirteen of Dylan Tauber's photographs were exhibited in eleven galleries internationally: two at the BBA (Berlin Blue Art) Gallery in Berlin, Germany; two at the Ravnikar gallery in Ljubljana, Slovenia; two at the Blank Wall Gallery in Athens, Greece; the Piazza Ca' Zanardi (Itsliquid) in Venice, Italy; the Photo Synthesis Gallery in Sofia, Bulgaria; the Laurent Gallery in Melbourne, Australia; the Art Market Gallery in Budapest, Hungary; the Hinterland Gallery, in Vienna, Austria; the Valid World Hall in Barcelona, Spain; the International Contemporary Art Fair, in Thessaloniki, Greece; and the annual photography conference in Tel Aviv, Israel.

"Son of Waves 2.0", a true story, with original photography, of my journey around the planet, and to many Pacific islands"¦only to find my own soul, and a woman named Carmen, was released on 5/28/19 for free PDF download, and as a paperback on Amazon.com on 3/21/20.

"Theories" by Dylan Tauber, a summary of both his Double Mirror theory and Ones and Zeros theory, was published as an ebook on Smashwords.com on 10/25/19 for free download, and as a paperback on Amazon.com on 11/29/19.

In December 2020, Tauber released his Double Mirrors, and Ones and Zeros Theories on Facebook in video format with music. This Double Mirrors Theory video has had 1.8 million views, and this Ones and Zeros theory video has had 1.5 million views since December, 2020.

In 2021, Dylan completed his 13th electronic music album, "Sounds from Space 2", in 2022, his 14th album He Loves Carmen, and also in 2022, his 15th album The Lagoon.

In 2023, Dylan released his 16th albu, I am Alive and his 17th album, Sea People.

Background photograph of my kibbutz at sunset, by my girlfriend Carmen Marina.

Northern Israel Photo Gallery

In September 2023, Dylan Tauber's song "I Am A Mirror" was performed with a group of dancers in his kibbutz in front of an audience of 1,500 people.

Hebrew flyer English Flyer

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All work © copyright, 1996-2024, by SWStudios / Dylan Tauber. All rights reserved.

This page was last modified Friday, 27-Sep-2024 11:54:36 EDT

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